Catalog of fire equipment


 “Technopark -Pozhtehnika”Ltd is a leading manufacturer of metal inspection openings in Ukraine.

Inspection hatches offer, plumbing, invisible under the tile, drywall. You can buy a standard-sized hatch, or to place an order for individual non-standard parameters.

Delivery hatches made throughout Ukraine.

Classic design and low price make our audit hatches indispensable if necessary to close the gap audit.

Hatches are manufactured according to individual customer’s sizes than is possible the selection of hatches almost any tile.

The main advantages of the design of hidden (invisible) inspection openings are:

  • easy and fast access to the hidden communications, as well as providing sealing and insulation wall niches.
  • removable door with a reliable fixation stiffness and sagging door is missing.
  • original design of the door eliminates metal to metal contact with the surface of the tile, drywall at closing, which reduces the risk of damaging the tiles.
  • design and size range of hatches provide the ability to save the picture facing surface.

Виробник пожежних шаф, щитів, протипожежних дверей

     +38(057) 7-555-000
     +38(095) 317-87-87
     +38(096) 517-87-87
     +38(063) 017-87-87